Hi, Jim Vines here...thanks for visiting The Working Screenwriter 2! (I label this "2" because I already have a very popular blog called The Working Screenwriter. Simple, eh?)

Some of you may know me from my postings on screenwriting websites over the last several years, perhaps you’ve read (or heard) some of my Internet interviews. I may even have done screenplay critiques/evaluations for a few of you. To all, a hearty welcome to my new blog!

I’d like to make something very clear: I do not profess to be an all-knowing screenwriting guru. I’m merely a guy who’s been in the screenwriting game a long while and has a pretty decent handle on what it’s all about. I’m fortunate to be able to call myself a working screenwriter. It’s been a long, tough road—and, for the most part, it continues to be—but I’ve managed some nice successes. And had a lot of fun along the way. The most important thing is, I’m doing what I want to do.

To me, there’s nothing better than the movie business. I've wanted to be a part of it since I was a kid. So, when I’m battling it out with a producer or director, or when I’m fighting traffic to get to some umpteenth script meeting on time, or when I’m on that roller-coaster ride called “Development,” I still never forget how lucky I am, to be doing what I’m doing.

I hope you’ll stick around and check out other segments of this blog, such as:

Jim Who?, where you'll learn a little bit about me...

Questions & Answers, where I’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions from those new to screenwriting…

Fatal Flaws (of the Novice Screenwriter), where I address some of the biggest mistakes made by most pre-pro scribes.

Q & A: THE WORKING SCREENWRITER: THE BOOK!, where you’ll learn about my informative new book, Q & A: The Working Screenwriter...

So, whether you’re a first-time screenwriter, or already written a script or two, I’m sure you’ll find this space on the Net a valuable resource. That’s my goal.

Thanks again—and enjoy your visit to The Working Screenwriter 2!
